Next.js 编译器

Next.js 编译器是使用 SWC (opens in a new tab) 用 Rust 编写的,它允许 Next.js 转译和压缩 JavaScript 代码以用于生产。它取代了用于单个文件的 Babel 和用于代码压缩的 Terser。

使用 Next.js 编译器进行编译的速度是 Babel 的 17 倍,并且从 Next.js 第 12 版开始默认启用。如果你已有 Babel 配置或正在使用不支持的特性,你的应用程序将选择不使用 Next.js 编译器,而继续使用 Babel。

为什么选择 SWC?

SWC (opens in a new tab) 是下一代快速开发者工具的可扩展基于 Rust 的平台。

SWC 可以用于编译、最小化、打包等,并且设计了可扩展性。它可以被调用来执行代码转换(无论是内置的还是自定义的)。这些转换的执行是通过 Next.js 等更高级别的工具来完成的。

我们选择基于 SWC 构建的几个原因:

  • 可扩展性: SWC 可以作为 Crate 在 Next.js 内部使用,而不需要 fork 该库或解决设计约束。
  • 性能: 通过切换到 SWC,我们能在 Next.js 中实现约 3 倍的快速刷新速度和 5 倍的构建速度,优化空间还在持续扩大。
  • WebAssembly: Rust 对 WASM 的支持对支持所有可能的平台和将 Next.js 开发带到任何地方至关重要。
  • 社区: Rust 社区和生态系统令人惊叹且还在不断增长。


Styled Components

We're working to port babel-plugin-styled-components to the Next.js Compiler.

First, update to the latest version of Next.js: npm install next@latest. Then, update your next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    // see https://styled-components.com/docs/tooling#babel-plugin for more info on the options.
    styledComponents: boolean | {
      // Enabled by default in development, disabled in production to reduce file size,
      // setting this will override the default for all environments.
      displayName?: boolean,
      // Enabled by default.
      ssr?: boolean,
      // Enabled by default.
      fileName?: boolean,
      // Empty by default.
      topLevelImportPaths?: string[],
      // Defaults to ["index"].
      meaninglessFileNames?: string[],
      // Enabled by default.
      cssProp?: boolean,
      // Empty by default.
      namespace?: string,
      // Not supported yet.
      minify?: boolean,
      // Not supported yet.
      transpileTemplateLiterals?: boolean,
      // Not supported yet.
      pure?: boolean,

minify, transpileTemplateLiterals and pure are not yet implemented. You can follow the progress here (opens in a new tab). ssr and displayName transforms are the main requirement for using styled-components in Next.js.


The Next.js Compiler transpiles your tests and simplifies configuring Jest together with Next.js including:

  • Auto mocking of .css, .module.css (and their .scss variants), and image imports
  • Automatically sets up transform using SWC
  • Loading .env (and all variants) into process.env
  • Ignores node_modules from test resolving and transforms
  • Ignoring .next from test resolving
  • Loads next.config.js for flags that enable experimental SWC transforms

First, update to the latest version of Next.js: npm install next@latest. Then, update your jest.config.js file:

const nextJest = require("next/jest");
// Providing the path to your Next.js app which will enable loading next.config.js and .env files
const createJestConfig = nextJest({ dir: "./" });
// Any custom config you want to pass to Jest
const customJestConfig = {
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/jest.setup.js"],
// createJestConfig is exported in this way to ensure that next/jest can load the Next.js configuration, which is async
module.exports = createJestConfig(customJestConfig);


To enable Relay (opens in a new tab) support:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    relay: {
      // This should match relay.config.js
      src: "./",
      artifactDirectory: "./__generated__",
      language: "typescript",
      eagerEsModules: false,

Good to know: In Next.js, all JavaScript files in pages directory are considered routes. So, for relay-compiler you'll need to specify artifactDirectory configuration settings outside of the pages, otherwise relay-compiler will generate files next to the source file in the __generated__ directory, and this file will be considered a route, which will break production builds.

Remove React Properties

Allows to remove JSX properties. This is often used for testing. Similar to babel-plugin-react-remove-properties.

To remove properties matching the default regex ^data-test:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    reactRemoveProperties: true,

To remove custom properties:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    // The regexes defined here are processed in Rust so the syntax is different from
    // JavaScript `RegExp`s. See https://docs.rs/regex.
    reactRemoveProperties: { properties: ["^data-custom$"] },

Remove Console

This transform allows for removing all console.* calls in application code (not node_modules). Similar to babel-plugin-transform-remove-console.

Remove all console.* calls:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    removeConsole: true,

Remove console.* output except console.error:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    removeConsole: {
      exclude: ["error"],

Legacy Decorators

Next.js will automatically detect experimentalDecorators in jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json. Legacy decorators are commonly used with older versions of libraries like mobx.

This flag is only supported for compatibility with existing applications. We do not recommend using legacy decorators in new applications.

First, update to the latest version of Next.js: npm install next@latest. Then, update your jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true


Next.js will automatically detect jsxImportSource in jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json and apply that. This is commonly used with libraries like Theme UI (opens in a new tab).

First, update to the latest version of Next.js: npm install next@latest. Then, update your jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsxImportSource": "theme-ui"


We're working to port @emotion/babel-plugin to the Next.js Compiler.

First, update to the latest version of Next.js: npm install next@latest. Then, update your next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  compiler: {
    emotion: boolean | {
      // default is true. It will be disabled when build type is production.
      sourceMap?: boolean,
      // default is 'dev-only'.
      autoLabel?: 'never' | 'dev-only' | 'always',
      // default is '[local]'.
      // Allowed values: `[local]` `[filename]` and `[dirname]`
      // This option only works when autoLabel is set to 'dev-only' or 'always'.
      // It allows you to define the format of the resulting label.
      // The format is defined via string where variable parts are enclosed in square brackets [].
      // For example labelFormat: "my-classname--[local]", where [local] will be replaced with the name of the variable the result is assigned to.
      labelFormat?: string,
      // default is undefined.
      // This option allows you to tell the compiler what imports it should
      // look at to determine what it should transform so if you re-export
      // Emotion's exports, you can still use transforms.
      importMap?: {
        [packageName: string]: {
          [exportName: string]: {
            canonicalImport?: [string, string],
            styledBaseImport?: [string, string],


Next.js' swc compiler is used for minification by default since v13. This is 7x faster than Terser.

If Terser is still needed for any reason this can be configured.

module.exports = {
  swcMinify: false,

Module Transpilation

Next.js can automatically transpile and bundle dependencies from local packages (like monorepos) or from external dependencies (node_modules). This replaces the next-transpile-modules package.

module.exports = {
  transpilePackages: ["@acme/ui", "lodash-es"],

Modularize Imports


Allows to modularize imports, similar to babel-plugin-transform-imports (opens in a new tab).

Transforms member style imports of packages that use a “barrel file” (a single file that re-exports other modules):

import { Row, Grid as MyGrid } from "react-bootstrap";
import { merge } from "lodash";

...into default style imports of each module. This prevents compilation of unused modules:

import Row from "react-bootstrap/Row";
import MyGrid from "react-bootstrap/Grid";
import merge from "lodash/merge";

Config for the above transform:

module.exports = {
  modularizeImports: {
    "react-bootstrap": {
      transform: "react-bootstrap/{{member}}",
    lodash: {
      transform: "lodash/{{member}}",

Handlebars variables and helper functions

This transform uses handlebars (opens in a new tab) to template the replacement import path in the transform field. These variables and helper functions are available:

  1. member: Has type string. The name of the member import.
  2. lowerCase, upperCase, camelCase, kebabCase: Helper functions to convert a string to lower, upper, camel or kebab cases.
  3. matches: Has type string[]. All groups matched by the regular expression. matches.[0] is the full match.

For example, you can use the kebabCase helper like this:

module.exports = {
  modularizeImports: {
    "my-library": {
      transform: "my-library/{{ kebabCase member }}",

The above config will transform your code as follows:

// Before
import { MyModule } from "my-library";
// After (`MyModule` was converted to `my-module`)
import MyModule from "my-library/my-module";

You can also use regular expressions using Rust regex (opens in a new tab) crate’s syntax:

module.exports = {
  modularizeImports: {
    "my-library/?(((\\w*)?/?)*)": {
      transform: "my-library/{{ matches.[1] }}/{{member}}",

The above config will transform your code as follows:

// Before
import { MyModule } from "my-library";
import { App } from "my-library/components";
import { Header, Footer } from "my-library/components/app";
// After
import MyModule from "my-library/my-module";
import App from "my-library/components/app";
import Header from "my-library/components/app/header";
import Footer from "my-library/components/app/footer";

Using named imports

By default, modularizeImports assumes that each module uses default exports. However, this may not always be the case — named exports may be used.

// Using named export instead of default export
export const MyModule = {};
// my-library/index.ts
// The “barrel file” that re-exports `MyModule`
export { MyModule } from "./MyModule";

In this case, you can use the skipDefaultConversion option to use named imports instead of default imports:

module.exports = {
  modularizeImports: {
    "my-library": {
      transform: "my-library/{{member}}",
      skipDefaultConversion: true,

The above config will transform your code as follows:

// Before
import { MyModule } from "my-library";
// After (imports `MyModule` using named import)
import { MyModule } from "my-library/MyModule";

Preventing full import

If you use the preventFullImport option, the compiler will throw an error if you import a “barrel file” using default import. If you use the following config:

module.exports = {
  modularizeImports: {
    lodash: {
      transform: "lodash/{{member}}",
      preventFullImport: true,

The compiler will throw an error if you try to import the full lodash library (instead of using named imports):

// Compiler error
import lodash from "lodash";


SWC Trace profiling

You can generate SWC's internal transform traces as chromium's trace event format (opens in a new tab).

module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    swcTraceProfiling: true,

Once enabled, swc will generate trace named as swc-trace-profile-${timestamp}.json under .next/. Chromium's trace viewer (chrome://tracing/, https://ui.perfetto.dev/ (opens in a new tab)), or compatible flamegraph viewer (https://www.speedscope.app/ (opens in a new tab)) can load & visualize generated traces.

SWC 插件 (实验性)

你可以配置 swc 的转换,以使用 wasm 编写的 SWC 实验插件支持来定制转换行为。

module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [

swcPlugins 接受用于配置插件的元组数组。插件的元组包含插件的路径和用于插件配置的对象。插件的路径可以是 npm 模块包名,也可以是 .wasm 二进制文件本身的绝对路径。


当你的应用程序有一个 .babelrc 文件时,Next.js 会自动回退到使用 Babel 来转换单个文件。这确保了向后兼容性,以支持利用自定义 Babel 插件的现有应用程序。

如果你正在使用自定义的 Babel 设置,请分享你的配置 (opens in a new tab)。我们正在努力移植尽可能多常用的 Babel 转换,以及在未来支持插件。


v13.1.0Module Transpilation (opens in a new tab) and Modularize Imports (opens in a new tab) stable.
v13.0.0SWC Minifier enabled by default.
v12.3.0SWC Minifier stable (opens in a new tab).
v12.2.0SWC Plugins experimental support added.
v12.1.0Added support for Styled Components, Jest, Relay, Remove React Properties, Legacy Decorators, Remove Console, and jsxImportSource.
v12.0.0Next.js Compiler introduced (opens in a new tab).